Good Standing: Being a Fruitful Branch of Christ the Vine

Some roles within the Sacraments of the Church (like sponsoring a wedding or a baptism), or serving on the Parish Council, or voting in a parish General Assembly Meeting require that a person have the priest’s endorsement, confirming that they are in “Good Standing” within the Church. This begs the question, “What constitutes a parishioner being regarded in Good Standing?

Article 18 of the Uniform Parish Regulations (UPR)

Christ the VineA Parishioner in Good Standing:

  • Is canonically Baptized & Chrismated
  • Is 18 years of age or over
  • Lives according to the tenets of the Orthodox faith
  • Faithfully attends Divine Liturgy & participates in the sacraments
  • Contributes toward the progress of the sacred mission of the Church
  • Remains current in stewardship obligation to the Church
    • This means that they’ve filled out a stewardship card…on which they’ve made a financial commitment to supporting the ministries of the Church.
    • (The priest may waive this under special circumstances)
  • Cooperates in every way toward the well-being of the Church

Most of these (aside from being 18 years old or older) merely demonstrate that a person is attempting to be faithful in their efforts to be a fruitful branch of Christ the Vine and to be conformed to His likeness.